Reading Work Aloud
Hi everyone,
I finished my scene today, even though I didn’t have much sleep last night. I didn’t think I’d have the concentration but the lack of sleep didn’t affect me. Writing for me is a break. And fun. I suppose you can do anything fun when you’re tired.
One of the things I do when I’m finished a scene is put it into a text-to-speech software and have it read it out to me. I don’t think it matters which software you use. What matters is someone who isn’t you reading it aloud.
I catch a lot of subtle typos here. As well as weirdness. It also helps me determine flow, spot repetition, or just stuff that doesn’t work.
You can always read it aloud yourself, but I tend to read what I think I wrote. Plus, I’m so busy concentrating on reading that I’m not hearing the rhythm and flow of the work.
There’s lots of softwares out there.
Give it a try.
I love it.
Some hate it.
I’m on to my next scene tomorrow.
Happy writing,