Missing scenes
Hi everyone,
Not much to report today. I tidied up the scene I wrote yesterday. I’m not going to do any more with it, even though it’s a little long. I’ll leave that for draft three.
I’m in love with every word at the moment, so I need some distance to see where I’ve repeated myself, or beat the reader over the head with my narrative question, or just have clunky writing.
Coming back to scenes after getting to the end of my story and beginning again, somehow, gives me the perspective I need to be able to see my writing clearly. If I puzzle over some things now, I’ll hurt my brain, lose time or get stuck. If I wait, sometimes I can solve the unsurmountable problem in five blissful minutes when everything just clicks.
So I’ll wait to make edits on it.
What the scene brought to light, though is that I have a missing scene. Or rather I summarised an important scene in three lines. I’m sadly going to have to write it. Sadly, because I’m worried about my word count-as usual-and thought I’d get away without writing the scene but nope, my revisions to yesterday’s scene made the scene even more important to write.
My MC has an epiphany during yesterday’s scene. And this epiphany is only possible if something in particular happens in my summarised (missing) scene.
I’ll be working on planning this missing scene tomorrow.
See you then,