Hi everyone,
Today I continued with my micro-tension* draft, revising 4 pages so I’m faster now. Yay!
I’m also outlining a novel. I pretty much know what’s going to happen, but I have some gaps where I’ve no idea how my main character and her friends are going to do something. So I’m discovery writing it. Once I know how certain stuff I need to have happen, happens then I’ll put it into my outline and write it properly when I’m drafting it. I’d like to have a more detailed outline before starting this manuscript.
I also did some discovery writing of a missing scene from The Search For Magic.
A pretty good day overall. I have another query ready to go from a couple of days ago, but I have to proof read it first and make sure everything is in order. I didn’t get a chance to do that today. Maybe tomorrow.
Anyway, that’s all from me for tonight.
See you tomorrow.
Happy writing.
Micro-tension pages revised: 16
* If you want to learn more about micro-tension see Donald Maas’s, The Breakout Novelist: How to Craft Novels That Stand Out and Sell. Chapter 17.
He’s also given webinars on it which can be bought from the Free Expressions website I linked on my courses recommendations page. Here’s the link directly to the webinar recordings. https://www.free-expressions.com/webinar-recordings