Hey, I’m Joanne

I’m an Irish cognitive psychologist living in Singapore. I work with kids with learning difficulties. I’ve written novels for fun since I was twenty-three. I have three works in progress. All YA. One at the querying stage and two still on the second draft. I love to read any book with great characters and a great story. I love hiking, taking photos with my husband and doing escape rooms with my kids.

My Writing


I write fantasy. I love transporting to a completely new world and seeing how the people there live. I love seeing the problems we have in our lives played out in different settings with unique people with unique abilities. I love the fun of unusual settings. I love magic, all kinds of powers, time travel and dragons.

Young Adult

I guess I never grew up. I love the spirit of young adult novels. I love the energy that young adults bring to a story and their fire to step out into the world and change it.

Destructive Magic

YA Fantasy

Ellodie is the most extraordinary person you’ll ever forget.


The Search for Magic

YA Fantasy.

Ashlin discovers that if she just plays along with the crazy world she’s stumbled into, she can rewind time and save her sister from the drowning accident that killed her.

Middle of Draft 2

Out of Time

YA Fantasy

Hiding on a broken world from the people who imprisoned him, Andrew falls in love with the inhabitants, who without his help, will be destroyed.

Messy first draft completed.

Favourite Books

Favourite Fiction Novels

  • The Hunger games by Suzanne Collins

  • Shadow and Bone trilogy by Leigh Bardugo

  • The Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo

  • The Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling

  • The Keeper of the Lost City Series by Shannon Messenger

  • Red Rising by Pierce Brown

  • Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

  • The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Favourite Craft Books

  • The Emotional Craft of Fiction by Donald Maass

  • On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

  • Save the Cat!: The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need by Blake Snyder

  • Word Painting Revised Edition: The Fine Art of Writing Descriptively by Rebecca Mcclanahan