Hi everyone,
It’s still Lunar New Year here so I spent most of the day visiting relatives. I did look over my next few scenes and tidy them up a bit because I try to touch my work every day.
But what I wanted to chat with you about today is perfectionism. I’ve moved on from my first midpoint scene and I’m happy with it, but it’s far from perfect. There’s plenty more to do, just not in this draft.
In revisions, I find that it’s important to remember that you don’t have to get it all correct now. You only need to get some of it right.
Revision is done in layers. What can’t be seen now, will be seen later. No matter how hard you try to get everything right about the scene on the first revision pass, you won’t. What will happen is you’ll get stuck and your story will stall. Have some things you want to do in each draft, once you’ve done them to the best of your current abilities, check it off your list. Make notes about anything you aren’t happy with and leave it for the next draft.
And Move On.
When you come back to it with fresh eyes in the next draft, and also having got to the end again, what was hard will become easier.
Trust the process.
Perfect is not something you’re striving for in any draft. ‘Better’ is your goal.
So even though I have to cut at least 20% off my scene, and I’m not sure who I want discussing the rules with my MC, I’m moving on to my next scene. When I come back, deleting will be easier and I’ll know if the current players of the conversation about rules are the right ones.
I’m also not sure if I should remove one of the characters from the scene. Again, I’m leaving them in there, for now, but taking notes for draft three.
Anyway, I’m exhausted from all the visiting, so I’ll sign off and see you tomorrow.
Happy writing,