
Hi everyone,

Today’s page under the micro-tension microscope was page 227.

There is already some micro-tension on the page, so I just pushed it up a notch. Again, same as yesterday, it’s a conflict she has throughout the novel.  A war of adequacy, of being enough, of being broken. Eight words. Just an extra thought to make the micro-tension more explicit.


The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: page 227

The micro-tension comes from two sources:

Trepidation: danger V safety as well as: reveal herself (get an ally) v’s stay safe

Change: any change on the page causes us to continue reading. The playing field has changed resulting in Katniss’s chances of survival increasing.


Legendborn by Tracy Deonn: page 227

The micro-tension on this page comes from anticipation. The scene unfolds slowly and the reader stays reading to know where Bree is and what’s happening and how it will affect her.

I also sent off two query letters.


Okay, that’s it from me.

See you tomorrow,

Happy writing,


Micro-tension pages revised: 8

* If you want to learn more about micro-tension see Donald Maas’s, The Breakout Novelist: How to Craft Novels That Stand Out and Sell. Chapter 17.

He’s also given webinars on it which can be bought from the Free Expressions website I linked on my courses recommendations page. Here’s the link directly to the webinar recordings.


Backstory Creating Tension For The Present


Friction Between People